Brenda L.

mummy | family | everything in between

First update for... 2018?

Has it been over a year already?

Evidently my promise to be more diligent in blogging has been thrown out of the window, along with my pre pregnancy memory. So much has happened with my life since and I don't even know where to begin! 6 months ago I've taken a huge step back to become a SAHM. It took me by surprise how much adjustments, both mentally and physically, was needed for me to fully assimilate into this new role. Though I suspect it will not last long as the itch to return to the workforce is coming.

Leo is currently inching close to 18 months now and on top of walking, he has begun to be more assertive with his wants! He is able to understand simple commands, handle basic words and identifying a decent number of animals/colours. Plenty of times he picks up from his surroundings more so than the things we teach him so he always catches us by surprise with new antics.

We have also travelled twice with this lucky baby (Hong Kong and Japan) with another upcoming family vacay happening next month. Plenty of exciting beginnings to look forward to and yes, resolution for 2019 is to be back in this space for real with more mummy and family related content!!