Brenda L.

mummy | family | everything in between

And I've popped!

Hubbuh and I welcomed our newest little addition, Leo Declan Ang, to the family on the 23rd of June! I was induced on my 38th week due to low amniotic fluid and have blogged about my birth story in Dayre so I won't go into details here.

Leo is coming to 2 weeks now and motherhood has been, as cliché as it sounds, been a madcap nerve wrenching experience. From incessant hiccups to watery stools, I have Googled on all possible causes and remedies just like an inexperience first time mother would.

I recall bursting into tears just a day after discharge because he was in such discomfort and bawling his eyes out and I nothing I did could soothe him.

But just in case you think I'm not enjoying my new status, quite the contrary I'm loving it. I enjoy our breastfeeding times despite how much energy it saps out from me. Just the face of comfort from him while he is suckling makes it worth the while. I enjoy watching him when he naps and playing with him when he wakes.

This is just the beginning of a very long journey ahead and I cannot wait to share more! Right now mama is still quite incoherent from exhaustion but I'm looking forward to actively post more here :)

Till then x.