Brenda L.

mummy | family | everything in between

Baby number 2!

Currently into my 22+6 week and oh my goodness we are in the second leg of this pregnancy! It seems like only 5 posts ago I was talking about Leo's birth story and here we are again with Baby L. We've already thought of her name way back and in retrospect it was a much longer (and harder) process since this time around the hubs wanted to to be more involved.

Second-time dad equates to more enthusiasm maybe?

Names aside, I'm quite thankful this has been a relatively kind pregnancy. It wasn't the case during the first tri where I suffered from nausea, giddiness and extreme lethargy but things turned for the better when I entered into my 15th week. The symptoms lightened up, though at this point being my second pregnancy, I'm starting to feel the strain of carrying Baby L on my body very early which is perfectly normal.

At 18 weeks I could start to feel her flutter and was even leaking colostrum at my 19th! I never produced even a single drop throughout my first pregnancy so this is definitely a very much welcome surprise and validation that the body is coping and accepting my little miracle.

Now I'm not gonna jinx things by rattling on the wonderful changes I'm slowly getting this time since we've not entered 28 weeks so let's hope it all keep up.

We've also been introducing "mei mei" to Leo and while I don't think he fully grasps the concept of being an older brother, he does show a level of interest on the idea of "baby in mummy's tummy" and will occasionally pat my stomach to greet her good night or to sayang which is soooo endearing.

I've said before how Leo demonstrated empathy in several occasions and I really hope he'd be a good brother to Baby L and for her to be a good sister likewise.

I guess it wouldn't hurt if she could also just be as easy to care for as Leo who's not as fussy with food and can sleep through the night heh!